GHK-Cu Copper Peptide
The human peptide GHK (glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine) has multiple biological actions, all of which, according to our current knowledge, appear to be health positive.
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GHK-Cu & Dr. Loren Pickart
Dr. Loren Pickart discovered GHK and many of its biological effects
BA Chemistry and Mathematics,
University of Minnesota
PhD Biochemistry,
University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Pickart’s original thesis is titled:
“A TriPeptide From Human Serum”
(June 1973)

Skin & Hair
GHK was first studied for wound healing (1983+) and later for its effects on skin and hair. In many controlled, peer-reviewed published articles, GHK was found to:
GHK tightenedloose skin and thicken older skin
GHK reducedfine lines and depth of wrinkles
GHK reducedskin spots and lesions
GHK protectedskin cells from UV radiation
GHK increasedhair growth and thickness
GHK acceleratedwound healing
Anti-Fast Growing Cells Actions
GHK topped the listof 1,309 bioactive compounds for Fast Growing COLON cells
GHK resetthe PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH for aging cells
GHK inhibitedNFKB p65 which is believed to promote fast growing cells
GHK Repaireddamaged cells (47 genes up, 5 genes down)
GHK reset84 genes to inhibit fast growing cells
Lung Protection
GHK topped the listof 1,309 bioactive for chronic pulmonary issues.
GHK restoredhealthy function in lung cells
GHK protectedlung cells from damage

Antioxidant / Anti-Inflammatory

GHK increasedSOD1
GHK suppressedNFKB, a molecule which is believed to be a primary cause of aging
GHK completelyblocked oxidation
Brain & Nerves
GHK altered expression ofhuman genes important in neuron function with 408 UP and 230 DOWN
GHK inducedstrong Anti-Stress & Anti-Anger
GHK inducedAnti-Discomfort Activity
GHK is now used fordamaged spinal cords

Stem Cells & OTher Actions

GHK causedadult Stem Cells to start producing again
GHK producesmore Stem Cells and resets Stem Cells to a younger, healthier state
Increased the healing ofmany tissues including skin, stomach, intestine lining, bone tissue.
Strongly chemo-attractedcapillary cells, mast cells, and macrophages.
Strongly activated genes ofthe Ubiquitin proteasome system used for cell cleansing. (41 genes up, 1 gene down).
Blocked Locked Cortisone'santi-regeneration effects.
Suppressed the Insulinand insulin-like system that reduces lifespan in roundworms.
Reduced Fibrinogen synthesisFibrinogen levels are the top predictor of cardiovascular heart disease.
Increased Myostatingene expression 9.4 fold. Myostatin inhibits heart failure.

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